With 25 years of heritage, The Laser grocery range remains to be a superior collection of carefully selected lines, designed to promote good health, taste and flavour. With over 25 years of heritage, the famous saying goes- for Health, Taste & Flavour- Remember Laser!
Pomace Olive Oil 4 Ltr
Pomace Olive Oil packed in 4 Ltr tins is made with the finest olives from Spain. Pomace Olive oil is extracted from the olive pulp after the first cold press. Perfect choice for everyday cooking and as a dressing.
- A Rich & Fruity Extra Virgin Olive Oil
- Perfect as a Dressing
- Ideal for Cooking
Pack | Cases per pallet | Cases per 20′ container | Shelf Life |
4×4 Ltr | 57 | 1550 | 60 months |
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